Memory Book

Marilyn was my friend and neighbor in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. During those precious but stressful years, raising our children, playing the roles of supporting faculty wives of the University of Illinois School of Music, pursuing our own careers, Marilyn was always there, scheduling fun activities for us, whether it was neighborhood progressive dinners, caroling, or picnics for every occasion. And always with a sense of humor and ease which amazed us all.

The most important thing Marilyn taught me was how to be a friend, as her concerns were always what was best for us in a gracious manner full of wisdom and love.

I will always remember Marilyn and carry with me the models for a successful, gratifying, meaningful life that she exemplified. Wilma Zonn

Wilma Zonn

Added on June 14, 2022
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My mother, my first teacher.

I have spent my entire adult life priding myself on my ability with the written word. But now, words fail me. Everything I am, everything I have accomplished is because of the love and dedication of my first teacher, my mother.

Kristine Blatter

Added on February 05, 2022
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